We host virtual workshops covering various topics to help you gain a better understanding of the grant process and to help you grow as an artist.
Below you will find recorded workshops and our calendar so you can stay up to date on the latest workshop details!
Planning for Public Art Opportunities
In this workshop, working artist Moira (Miri) Villiard gives us an overview of how to find and receive public art opportunities. It's never too early to start planning for summer public art projects!
ARAC Grant Programming Dates 2023-24
Check out all the grant programs we’ll be offering this fiscal year! Including our NEW Individual Artist Equity Grant!
Art Grant Writing 101 Workshop
In this workshop, we cover writing a good grant and the basics of the grant writing process.
Legal Considerations
for Artists Workshop
In this workshop, we talk about the various legal aspects of owning an art business you may want to consider. This workshop features attorney Jessica Karp.
Pricing Your
Art Workshop
In this workshop, we talk about pricing your art featuring artist, Moira Villiard and Musician Darin Bergsven!
Goals, Outcomes, & Evaluation Workshop
In this workshop, we talk about goals, outcomes, and evaluation. For the folks seeking a good overview of the internal process of writing a grant from start to finish.
Writing for Community Workshop
In this workshop, we talk about how to write a grant for your community as an organization.
Public Art Workshop
In this workshop, we talk about the world of public art. For both folks seeking to work more with public artists and folks looking to become public artists, this workshop will be a look into the field and how to make public art happen in your community.
Artist Exploitation Workshop
From scams to poor working conditions, how to avoid being exploited as an artist.
Marketing & Working with the Media Workshop
How to get the word out about what you do.
The Search for Other Funds
How to find grants and resources outside of ARAC, and a look into some upcoming opportunities.